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EISCO 2008 conference: How can local governement move further into the information society?

How to develop modern public e-services at the local level? How to improve digital capacity of decision-makers and civil servants, especially in small and medium sized local governments? What are the progress of the digital local.agenda? These will be some of the questions raised at the EISCO 2008 conference (Naples, from 25 to 27 September 2008).
EISCO has become a major event for politicians and experts working at local and regional level to discuss e-Government and Information Society strategies, evaluate achievements in reducing the digital divide, exchange experience and learn from each other. This year, the conference will be organised around five themes:
  • Collaboration among innovators from the public and private sector in the field of Information and communication technologies (ICT);
  • Using ICT to build networks for service delivery in local communities;
  • "e-services" models and WEB 2.0 deployment;
  • Building digital capacity in local administrations;
  • Progress of the digital local agenda: methodologies used and first lessons learnt.
EISCO 2008 is organised by the network of the Council of European Municipalities and Regions (CEMR) on information society (ELANET), together with the City of Naples, with the support of the Region Campania and the Province of Naples. As at previous conferences, EISCO 2008 enjoys the active collaboration of EU networks representing regional and local administrations: eris@, Eurocities' Knowledge Society Forum, e-Forum and IT4ALL. The Italian Government (Ministry of Innovation, Ministry of Regional Affairs and Local Administrations, Ministry of Communication) and the Italian section of the CEMR (AICCRE) are also members of the organising committee.
