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Commission proposes measures to boost energy efficiency and renewable energy

The European Commission adopted measures to boost energy efficiency and renewable energy in low-income households, on 3 December 2008.
The proposal will, for the first time, enable Member States and regions in the.European Union to invest in energy-efficiency and renewable energy measures in housing, with the support of European Cohesion Policy funding.
The measure, foreseen in the European Economic Recovery Plan, will be targeted at low-income households. In practice, this means the EU will be able to co-finance national, regional or local authority schemes to install double-glazing, wall insulation and solar panels in housing.
Background information
According to the Commission, buildings alone are the source of 40% of greenhouse gas emissions in the European Union. Too much energy continues to be wasted in buildings because of inefficient heating and air-conditioning systems and lighting. According to current Commission estimates, cost-effective energy savings in the building sector could reach 28% by 2020. Some EU studies also conclude that an average EU householder could save between €200 and €1000 per year, depending on their energy consumption, by making their homes more energy efficient.
