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How to mobilise people for better mobility in cities?

The Move Together project is organising its final conference 'Better Mobility – Move Together towards a New Culture of Urban Mobility", on 7 December 2009, in Brussels.
At the conference, experts, citizens and representatives.of local authorities will discuss with EU policy makers and various stakeholders the key outcomes of the project, and how to mobilise people to create a 'move together" culture for better urban mobility in Europe.
The morning session will focus on the Move Together experience at local level with cities' representatives and citizens taking the floor, while the afternoon session will be focusing on the EU level feedback (European Economic and Social Committee, European Parliament, European Commission), in relation to the EU Urban Mobility Action plan.
The Move together project focuses on raising citizens awareness and appreciation of EU research on sustainable transport in the urban environment. The aim is to make people aware of what EU transport research is doing and how the research results can help – if implemented in our cities – to make urban transport more sustainable, i.e. safer, more secure, more efficient and better for the environment, and to improve the quality of life.
An exhibition will be organised in conjunction to the conference.
The conference will be held in the European Economic and Social Committee. It is organised with the support of AICCRE, the Italian Section of the Council of European Municipalities and Regions (CEMR), partner of the Move Together consortium.
Interpretation will be provided for English, French, Italian and Spanish.
