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CEMR game : Could you handle traffic in your town?

CEMR has produced a PC/Mac simulation game that aims at showing how difficult it is to handle urban traffic: You are the mayor of a small town plagued with constant traffic jams that damage both mobility and the environment; what decisions will you take to tackle this problem?"
Each decision taken has advantages and disadvantages; some are good for the environment and finance but unpopular amongst drivers or shop-keepers, and vice versa.
You might like to know that EU Environment commissionner Margot Wallström tried her luck at the game, on 5 June 2003, at the occasion of the Green week. She scored 60% with the computer informing her that with such a score she could be almost certain to be reelected Mayor of Carville !
Could you do better than her? All you have to do is click here.
(The Carville game was produced with the support of the European Commission)
