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What role for local government? (conference – Poznan)

Get the involvement of local governement and define their role in meeting the goals set up by the international community on climate policy agreement beyond 2012: this is the main focus of the Local Government Climate be held in Poznan, from 9 to 11 December 2008, in the framework of the meeting of national governements in preparation for the after-Kyoto.
Local government are critical when it comes to practical climate actions. By 2030, two thirds of humanity will live in urban centers, where today more than 50 % of the world's population lives and more than 75 % of all energy is consumed. The Local Government Climate Sessions will aim to ensure that local government are fully involved in the climate policy agreement beyond 2012. This agreement is expected to be adopted in Copenhagen, during the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP-15), in December 2009. The event will also be an opportunity to define a common position of local government on this agreement.
The event is organised by United Cities and Local Government (UCLG) and ICLEI (Association of local government for sustainable development), and with the support of the Association of Polish Cities.
