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Eurostat compares EU regions’ wealth

In 2010, regional gross domestic product (GDP) per capita in the European Union ranged from 26% to 328% compared with the EU27 average.* This information is taken from data released on 21 March 2013 by Eurostat, the statistical office of the European Union.

According to the Eurostat report, GDP per capita is above 125% of the average in more than one out of seven regions in the 27 EU member states. The leading regions are Inner London in the United Kingdom (328% of the average), the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg (266%) and Brussels (223%).

Among the 41 regions exceeding the 125% level, eight were in Germany, five in both the Netherlands and Austria, four in Belgium, three in Spain, in Italy and in the United Kingdom and two both in Finland and Sweden.

In some regions, the GDP per capita can be significantly influenced by commuter flows. Net commuter inflows in these regions push up production to a level that could not be achieved by the active resident population alone.

* These data are based on the nomenclature of territorial units for statistics (NUTS). NUTS 2010 provides a uniform, consistent breakdown of territorial units (a total of 270) for the production of regional statistics for the EU. The GDP per capita is determined in terms of purchasing power.
