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Commission says “Yes but…” to Turkey

The European Commission has recommended opening talks on the adhesion of Turkey to the European Union, on 6 October 2004.
However, in his presentation of the Commission's report to the European Parliament, EU Commission President Romano Prodi added that this does not amount to a "blank check", several conditions flank the recommendation. Turkey will have to improve its human rights record, and the negociation process can be suspended in case of serious and repetitive breach of the principles of freedom, democracy, human rights, fundamental libertues and of the state of right. In its report, the Commission adds that Turkey's accession to the EU can not be seen as automatic.
The date for the opening of negoctiation will be decided by the Council (that gathers the national leaders of all EU Member States) at its 17 December meeting.
The European Commission has also confirmed that Romania and Bulgaria are on the right track to join the EU in 2007
