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Regional elections results in Saxony and Brandenburg

The Social Democrats (SDP) have won the regional elections in Brandenburg. Despite losing some ground, 32% of the votes against 39% in 1999, the party of Chancellor Schroeder looks likely remain in power in Brandenburg, probably in a coalition with the Christian-Democrat Union (CDU). The CDU has also decreased its share of the votes with 19.4% (26.5% in 1999).
CDU has won the regional ballot in Saxony, with 41% of the votes, however they record a decline of some 16%. Without an overall majority, the party must form a coalition to rule in the state. With some 10% of the votes, SDP seems to be the most likely partner.
The Party of Democratic Socialism (SDP), former Communist party, stands as the second political force within both, with 28% in Brandenburg and 23.7 in Saxony.
Far-right parties scored a large increase of their share. The National Democratic Party (NPD) surged to 9% in Saxony and the German People's Union (DVU) polled about 6% in Brandenburg. Both parties have reached the 5% threshold to be represented in the regional assembly.
The Greens have recorded a slight increase. They have taken 5% of the votes in Saxony, which allows them a comeback in the regional assembly, and 3.5% in Brandenburg.
Turnover was about 59.6% in Saxony and 56.6% in Brandenburg.
