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European Local Democracy Week: a taste of what is to come!

130 local and regional authorities and partner associations participate in the 2012 European Local Democracy Week (ELDW), to take place from 15 to 21 October, throughout Europe.

On the opening day of Week, the Council of European Municipalities and Regions (CEMR), interviewed John Warmisham, Salford city Councillor, on what citizens can expect and look forward to seeing during the ELDW.  John Warmisham is also member of the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities of the Council of Europe and political coordinator of the European Local Democracy Week.

What are you most looking forward to in this edition of the European Local Democracy Week?

For local politicians and public servants to engage with the communities they serve and for those communities to re-engage with them. Ensure that there is a two-way dialogue and that each side listens. Local democracy is a human right for all citizens and whatever their background, race, religion, gender, age or minority, they should be included and empowered to make their local community a better place to live.

What have you planned for Salford and its citizens this year?

We have planned to celebrate democracy!  The idea is to make it a fun family event but also include a session for citizens to meet the mayor.  We also have a councillor’s corner where people can just come and chat or raise concerns with their locally elected councillors.

Also all public bodies have a stall where citizens can gain all sorts of information.  Thousands attended this year’s event, which we hold in September as we always seem to get good weather which attracts people.  It is held on the lawns of the civic centre as the civic centre belongs to the people of Salford.

For more information, please visit the Salford website.

Background information

The ELDW was launched in 2007 and is an annual week-long event during which local and regional authorities organise a range of different activities in order to promote local democracy.

In 2011, more than 302 local authorities from 26 countries organised events in the framework of the ELDW, representing a total of 32 246 000 citizens.

For more information, please visit the ELDW website.
