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Take part to the European Local Democracy Week

The Congress of Local and Regional Authorities together with the European Committee on Local and Regional Democracy are organising the European Local Democracy Week (ELDW), from 13 to 17 October 2008.
The week is a new annual European event with simultaneous national and local events. It will be organised by participating local governments in all Council of Europe Member States in order to foster the knowledge of local democracy and promote the idea of democratic participation at a local level. Local governments are free to choose a more suitable week to organise their events in the framework of the ELDW.
The week including 15 October has been chosen for holding this event as the European Charter of Local Self-Government was opened for signature on that date in 1985. The ELDW was first launched in 2007 to mark the 50th anniversary of the Council of Europe's advocacy for local democracy.
The European Charter of Local Self-Government was adopted by the Council of Europe. It derives from the European Charter of municipal liberties launched by the Council of European Municipalities and Regions (CEMR) in 1953.
