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Bridging and Mapping Knowledge Gaps in Decentralised Cooperation

The Mindcraft project aims to enhance European decentralised development cooperation by improving knowledge and know-how, fostering multi-level dialogue for EU development policy implementation, and ensuring coordination and alignment of activities among stakeholders.

The project activities include gathering, mapping and analysing decentralised cooperation practices of EU sub-national governments and their associations, generating reports and country-level analyses with best practices and innovative approaches, as well as conducting a survey about the EU Delegations work with local and regional governments with the intention to inform the strategy on European development cooperation efforts and address barriers effectively. Additionally, the project aims to strengthen partnerships and align activities by supporting the dialogue and coordination with identified stakeholders, programmes and initiatives.

Overall, through these activities, the project aims to empower local and regional governments to play a more active role in European development cooperation, as well as support their efforts in addressing contemporary challenges and achieving global development goals.

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