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CEMR and European civil society call for a central role for cities and territories in the objectives of the “post-2015 development framework”

What should the objectives of sustainable development focus on, once the UN Millenium development goals expire in 2015? What are the main challenges to take up by 2030 in Europe and in the world?

rnTo answer these questions, the European Economic and Social Committee gathered representatives from the European civil society (trade unions, NGOs, etc.) and stakeholders involved in the definition of the post-2015 development agenda, like CEMR, at the conference for “a new global partnership”, on 13 and 14 February 2014 in Brussels.  

rnThis conference constituted the European platform for CEMR to advocate the inclusion of a specific goal on “sustainable urbanisation”. Moreover, the European civil society joined CEMR and PLATFORMA, represented by the Vice-President of Lyon metropolitan area, Hubert Julien-Laferrière, to put forward urban development and cities’ role in the future development agenda.

rnThe conclusions of this conference will be brought to the attention of EU decision-makers in order to the formulation of an EU negotiating position on the post-2015 sustainable development agenda. 

A specific goal on “sustainable urbanisation”

rnTogether with the partners of the Global Taskforce for the post-2015 development agenda, CEMR campaigns for the inclusion of a specific development goal on “sustainable urbanisation”. Considering their leading role in sustainable development and poverty eradication, European and global local government should be provided with all the resources and competences to satisfy their citizens’ needs. In this regard, an urban sustainable development goal is the best placed to guarantee it.  
