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CEMR Brings the Voice of LRGs to Climate Chance Europe 2024 Wallonia Summit

CEMR represented the voice of Local and Regional Governments at the Climate Chance Europe 2024 Wallonia Summit, organised by the Belgian Presidency on the 8th and 9th of February in Liege.

Eva Banos, CEMR Adviser for Global Agendas, Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), and Climate, moderated the event session titled “Cross-border and Decentralised Cooperation – How to Strengthen Community-Based & Community-Led Adaptation to Climate Change.” During this session, the discussion focused on giving agency to citizens and communities, rethinking multi-level governance in a grassroots way.

During the summit, Marlon Hilden, CEMR Climate and Sustainable Finance Officer, presented the results of the research “Powering the Future: Driving Europe’s Climate and Energy Policies through Regions and Municipalities,” delving into critical insights expected to influence and shape Europe’s climate and energy policies at regional and municipal levels.

The event culminated with the signing of the “Liège Declaration”: a Roadmap on adaptation to climate change in Europe for non-state actors.