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CEMR Policy Committee in Prague issues a Declaration Advocating Systematic Involvement of Local and Regional Governments (LRGs) in Climate Policy-Making

Policy Committee of the Council of European Municipalities and Regions (CEMR) is meeting in Prague on 6 and 7 December, and the first day of its deliberations culminated in the adoption of a landmark document titled “The Prague Declaration: More Trust in and Stronger Voice for Local and Regional Governments”. This significant political act underscores the pivotal role that local and regional governments (LRGs) play in confronting the formidable challenges facing our municipalities and regions.

“The Prague Declaration” sends a clear message about the imperative need for a stronger voice and a more vigorous partnership between the European Union, national governments, and LRGs. It calls for a more active involvement and consultation with LRGs throughout the entire policymaking process.

Fabrizio Rossi, CEMR Secretary General, expressed his gratitude, stating, “We extend our sincere appreciation to the Union of Towns and Municipalities of the Czech Republic SMO CR for their proactive role in initiating the Prague Declaration. This document reflects our shared commitment to effective governance, sustainability, and the well-being of our communities. Together, we are charting a course toward a more resilient and prosperous future.”

This declaration serves as a roadmap for empowering LRGs to effectively fulfil their responsibilities to citizens, highlighting their strategic role in the implementation of both European and national policies. Only in this way will it be possible to achieve the common goals of climate and social sustainability, preserve our planet for future generations, and ensure prosperity and well-being for the citizens of our towns and cities, municipalities, and regions.

CEMR welcomes media coverage and inquiries related to the Policy Committee meeting in Prague. For further information or to arrange interviews, please contact:

Martina Lehmannová

CEMR is the broadest European association of local and regional governments that brings together one million democratically elected European politicians, in 60 member associations from 40 countries since 1951.

SMO ČR: The Union of Towns and Municipalities of the Czech Republic is a voluntary, apolitical, and nongovernmental organisation. The Union’s activity is primarily based on the efforts of mayors, lord mayors, and representatives who, beyond their duties, dedicate themselves to general self-government issues.