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Barroso fully supports CEMR commitment to mobilise cities and regions

José Manuel Barroso, President of the European Commission, announced his full support for the commitment made by Wolfgang Schuster, President of the Council of European Municipalities and Regions (CEMR).and Mayor of Stuttgart,.to back the Europe 2020 strategy through the mobilisation of cities, regions and local actors involved in economics and the civil society.
This support was announced during an exchange between Barroso and the President of CEMR, which took place on 19 January 2011 in Stuttgart, Germany, at the invitation of local and regional elected representatives from the Lander of Baden-Württemberg.
'We welcome this support," declared Schuster 'as it is important for the Commission to realise that European goals are local and regional goals just as local and regional goals are European. Indeed, these can only be achieved if a link between the different levels of government exists."
For his part, President Barroso declared that 'we would succeed by mobilising all levels of government, particularly cities and regions, and you have my full support when it comes to working with my cabinet and with Commissioners on this subject."
Training local elected representatives of Europe
Both presidents also evoked the need to train local elected representatives and their administrations in European issues, as suggested by Schuster in his priorities as new CEMR President. The Robert Bosch foundation, which was also represented during this exchange, has announced its readiness to support CEMR and the Commission in this endeavour.
