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CEMR welcomes new territorial agenda which expresses EU’s will to build true multi-level partnership

The Council of European Municipalities and Regions (CEMR) welcomes the adoption of the new European territorial agenda on 19 May 2011, as it establishes a link with the Europe 2020 strategy andexpresses the EU's.will to build a true partnership between all levels of governance.
'Local and regional authorities, together with their representative associations, are willing to cooperate and become true partners of the European institutions and not only implementers," declared Frédéric Vallier, CEMR secretary general, at this occasion. Indeed, CEMR advocates the strong involvement of local and regional government in the design, implementation and evaluation of national action plans for the implementation of Europe 2020, as voiced in its Key Political Messages on Cohesion Policy and the Europe 2020 Strategy.
CEMR also welcomes the territorial agenda taking into account the relation between urban, periurban and rural areas, but asks that all territories benefit from the agenda, as 'complementarity between these different territories is vital if we are to ensure true progress and sustainable development," underlined Vallier.
The territorial agenda was adopted at the Informal Meeting of Ministers Responsible for Spatial Planning and Territorial Development held under the Hungarian Presidency of the EU, in Gödöllõ, Hungary.
