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How can municipalities help stimulate cycling?

Local decision-makers and technicians wishing to develop cycling as part of their municipality's sustainable mobility strategy can now benefit from a number of policy guides and factsheets to help stimulate cycling as a daily transport mode..
Indeed, four policy guides and 25 factsheets have been published in the context of Project PRESTO, so as to answer questions such as: How to develop an effective cycling policy? How to provide high-quality infrastructure? How to promote cycling use and foster a cycling culture?
The first guide presents a general framework for the setting up of an integrated cycling policy, all the while distinguishing cities according to their level of cycling development: 'starter cities", 'climber cities" and 'champion cities". The other three guides respectively cover the issues of cycling infrastructure, cycling promotion and electric bicycles. The implementation fact sheets complement the guides with more detailed and technical information on how to implement various cycling policy measures.
All guides and factsheets are available in Croatian, English, French, German, Hungarian, Italian, Lithuanian and Polish.
Project PRESTO (Promoting Cycling for Everyone as a Daily Transport Mode) is a project developed in the framework of the EU's Intelligent Energy Europe Programme.
