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How can the digital agenda for Europe be more relevant to municipalities and regions?

The Council of European Municipalities and Regions (CEMR) is co-organising a conference on 'Local Digital Agendas Meet the Digital Agenda for Europe", which will discuss supporting local development through digital local agendas (DLA).and rendering the digital agenda for Europe.(DAE) more relevant to municipalities and regions.
How can local and regional authorities better tackle today's societal challenges? How can the need for change at the local and regional levels be better addressed at the European level via the DAE? What impact could ICT have on the economic and societal development of communities?
All of these questions and more will be addressed during this event, to be held on 4 and 5 April 2011 in Brussels. Its aim will be to connect localities and communities already active in developing local digital agendas with those keen to do so. CEMR's manual on 'Implementing strategies for local and regional e-Governement" will be made available throughout the event so as to support the further development of DLAs in the month and years to come.
The results of the conference will serve as direct input to the EU's revision of its DAE, so as to help render it more effective, relevant and concrete for local and regional authorities and their citizens. Indeed, one of the key themes of the Digital Agenda Assembly from June 16 to 17 this year will be the Local and Regional Dimension. CEMR is currently working with the European Commission Directorate General for Information Society and Media (DG INFSO) to give the DAE a true local dimension.
The European conference 'Local Digital Agendas Meet Digital Agenda for Europe" is organised by the Dutch Region of Friesland, DG INFSO and the Directorate General for Regional Policy (DG REGIO), in collaboration with CEMR, EUROCITIES and the Committee of the Regions.
