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Local and regional authorities should be increasingly taken into account

PLATFORMA called on the European Commission to improve the taking into account of local and regional authorities in its development policy, at the occasion its high-level panel.organised in the framework of the European Development Days (EDD), held in Brussels from 6 to 8 December 2010.
This message is all the more vital in that the European development policy is currently undergoing a number of changes what with the implementation of the European External Action Service (EEAS) and the ongoing discussions on the 2014-2020 financial perspectives.
The high-level panel 'Looking at aid effectiveness from a local and regional government perspective" saw 200 people participate and was the only such EDD panel devoted to local and regional authorities in the context of development cooperation.
The panel debates allowed for participants to underline the added value of decentralised levels of government in development cooperation, as they often allow for a much longer-term territorial development.
The high-level panel was organised by PLATFORMA in collaboration with the Observatory of EU Latin America Decentralised Cooperation of the Diputacio of Barcelona.
This year's 5th edition of the European Development Days, during which PLATFORMA had set up a stand presenting its activities, saw 6 000 European development cooperation actors participate in fifteen different high-level panels.
