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1994-2004 : the Committee of the Regions is 10 years old

The Committee of the Regions of the EU will celebrate its tenth anniversary at its plenary session on 17/18 November 2004 in Brussels.
CoR president, Peter Straube, will unveil a new publication entitled "The CoR as seen by Europe's leaders".
Former Commission President, Jacques Delors, will be guest of honour at the plenary session. Other participants include the vice president of the European Commission, Loyola De Palacio, and the president of Catalonia, Pasqual Maragall.
The centre-piece of the programme will be a round-table on "Regions and Cities – Pillars of the new Europe".
Europe's leaders agreed on the creation of the Committee of the Regions at the Maastricht Summit in 1991. CEMR was one of the voices calling for the creation of a European institution representing local and regional government.
CoR held its first plenary session in 1994.
