Hot off the Press: “Empowering Local and Regional Europe since 1951”
We are pleased to announce the release of CEMR’s new presentation brochure: “Empowering Local and Regional Europe since 1951”.
This richly-illustrated publication provides a bird’s eye view of CEMR and its work on behalf of Europe’s municipalities, counties and regions. It also takes stock of what has been achieved since its creation in 1951 and draws the lessons of decades of work. The document, available in English and French, features numerous charts, a map and a historical timeline.
“If this publication makes one thing clear”, explains CEMR President Stefano Bonnacini, “it is the crucial role of Europe’s complex patchwork of municipalities, counties and regions in so many aspects of life. Behind the words that jump out – basic services, climate change, international development, COVID – there is a human reality: local and regional elected officials and civil servants, working every day for their citizens in an ever-growing sphere of areas.“
In particular, you will discover inside:
- The men and women, elected mayors and local/regional leaders from across Europe, who make up our leadership
- CEMR’s membership and the diverse territorial organisation of different European countries
- CEMR’s democratic values, internal organisation and way of working
- Our thematic work, projects and partners under the headings People, Places, Planet and Partnership
- CEMR’s rich history since our founding in 1951: from the contribution of town twinning and local autonomy-building in postwar Europe to our expanding work on territorial development, gender equality and environment
- How to keep in touch with us through our many communications channels tailored to diverse audiences

Secretary General