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25 years of local self-governance in Spain!

Spain is celebrating the 25th anniversary of its local self-governance. Under the name 25 years of democratic local councils, a whole life, the event, organised by the Spanish federation of municipalities and provinces (FEMP) was open this 8 November in presence of the king and queen of Spain.
The celebrations are taking place in the town of Vitoria, in the Basque country; they will last until 25 Novemb. A central exhibition will show the achievements of 25 years of "democratic municipalities". Furthermore, a serie of forums (foro de las ciudades) will be organised on themes such as public facilities, culture, transport or rural municipalities.
Other exhibitions will take place in the Guggenheim museum in Bilbao, as well as in Pamplona and San Sebastián.
Spanish local self-government was implemented following the 1979 local elections. At the time, they were the first democratic elections in Spain in over forty years.
