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PLATFORMA welcomes EU Commission applying actor-based approach to development issues

The European platform of local and regional authorities for development, PLATFORMA, welcomes the European Commission (EC) applying an actor-based approach to three main development issues, that is to say human rights, good governance and inclusive and sustainable growth.
This approach, put forward in the EC communication “An agenda for change”, puts local and regional authorities high up on the EU's development agenda, which PLATFORMA has advocated from the very beginning.
Indeed, PLATFORMA has participated in a one-year-long structured dialogue with European commissioner for development, Andris Piebalgs, and his directorate general (DG DEVCO) on the involvement of local and regional authorities and civil society in.EU development cooperation.  Thus, the European platform and its partners are also pleased that the structured dialogue is recognised in the communication as a building block for strengthening the partnership between the European Commission, local and regional authorities and civil society.
