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Commissioner Piebalgs announces simplification of upcoming financial framework’s thematic programmes

European commissioner for development, Andris Piebalgs, announced that the thematic programmes of the upcoming multiannual financial framework would be simplified in that only the non-state actors and local authorities programme.and the global public goods and challenges* programme would remain.
This announcement was made at the occasion of a discussion with PLATFORMA, the European platform of local and regional authorities for development, and other involved stakeholders, held on 11 July 2011 at the invitation of Commissioner Pielbags.
The Council of European Municipalities and Regions (CEMR), which is a member of PLATFORMA, welcomes the Commission strengthening and reinforcing its external action actor-based approach what with the non-state actors and local authorities programme. CEMR also welcomes the ambitious proposal for the external action budget, which is to be increased from €56 million to €70 billion in the next financial period.
At this occasion, Frédéric Vallier, CEMR secretary general, recalled that 'tackling poverty should continue to be a priority of the EU external action policy, with a strong focus on democracy and, more particularly, on democratic ownership at the local level."
Vallier also recommended that 'the future EU neighbourhood policy also focus on supporting democracy and decentralisation" all the while welcoming the Commission's decision to make rural development one of the policy's priorities.
* The global public goods and challenges programme covers the areas of climate change, environment, human rights, water, migration and food security.
