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The Cohesion Alliance Join Forces in Launching Joint Call: “A Renewed Cohesion Policy Post-2027 That Leaves No One Behind”

The Council of European Municipalities and Regions (CEMR) is proud to announce the launch of the Joint Call of the Cohesion Alliance, “A Renewed Cohesion Policy Post-2027 That Leaves No One Behind.” This Declaration brings together elected representatives of regions and cities across Europe to advocate for a comprehensive EU agenda that prioritises social, economic, and territorial cohesion.

In a united effort, CEMR, the Committee of Regions and the organisations of the Cohesion Alliance call upon European institutions and national governments to devise an inclusive EU agenda that places the strengthening of social, economic, and territorial cohesion at its core, as stated in the CEMR position on the Future of Cohesion Policy.

Christoph Schnaudigel, Co-President of CEMR, remarked, “We need a Cohesion Policy that puts the Local and Regional public services and investments at the centre to make our territories resilient to face the next crises. This will allow citizens to see that the EU is placing them at the centre.”

Recognising that Cohesion Policy serves as the glue of European action, Fabrizio Rossi, CEMR Secretary-General, adds: “CEMR advocates for a dedicated Commissioner for Territorial Development in the upcoming EU Commission, recognising the vital interconnection between various EU policies and their tangible effects at local and regional levels. Such an appointment would support cohesive, sustainable growth that resonates across every corner of Europe.”

The joint call outlines several key principles for a renewed Cohesion Policy post-2027:

  1. Inclusivity: Ensuring that all regions, cities, and municipalities have access to Cohesion Policy, regardless of their economic status or geographical location.
  2. Alignment with Green Deal and Digital Agenda: Anchoring social, economic, and territorial cohesion within the EU’s Green Deal industrial policy and strategic autonomy.
  3. Just Transition: Prioritising tailor-made solutions based on the principles of just transition to address the challenges of climate neutrality.
  4. Place-Based Solutions: Recognising the diversity of territories and enabling local-level strategies within a stable and predictable framework.
  5. Shared Management Principle: Strengthening shared management, partnership, and multi-level governance to overcome fragmentation and enhance effectiveness.
  6. Culture of Trust: Fostering a new culture of trust between different layers of government in the EU to ensure Cohesion Policy’s actual impact on Europeans’ lives.
  7. Territorial Cooperation: Supporting cross-border and interregional cooperation to deliver concrete improvements in people’s daily lives.
  8. Do No Harm to Cohesion: Ensuring consistency across all EU policies to strengthen economic, social, and territorial cohesion.

The full Call to Action can be signed through this link: Cohesion Alliance Joint Call (

The Cohesion Alliance invite the general public, trade unions, businesses, and non-governmental and civil society organisations to join in their efforts to secure a just Europe that leaves no one behind.