Insights from CEMR Green Day 2024: What will the future green transition look like in European municipalities and regions?
CEMR Green Day 2024 provided a platform for policymakers, experts, and stakeholders to delve into the future of the green transition within the EU and beyond. Held on April 10th, this event fostered a dynamic exchange of strategies, challenges, and opportunities for driving climate action at the local and regional levels.
Tadashi Matsumoto, Head of the National Urban Policy and Climate Resilience Unit at OECD, presented the report “A Territorial Approach to Climate Action and Resilience.” Matsumoto emphasised the need for a coherent territorial approach to enhance climate resilience and bridge regional disparities. He introduced the TACAR policy framework, aimed at prioritizing climate policies at the local level and enabling more effective climate action. The framework’s applicability was illustrated through examples from Bratislava and New York State.
The panel discussion featured insights from diverse stakeholders, including Michaël Quernez, Mayor of Quimperlé; Patrick Princen, First Alderman of Mechelen; Pedro Dias, Policy Director at Solar Heat Europe; and Lucian Pârvulescu from the European Commission’s European Green Deal Unit.
Quernez emphasized the importance of EU funds for supporting local transitions, while Princen shared Mechelen’s successful climate resilience initiatives. Dias stressed the need for empowering LRGs in energy policy, and Pârvulescu outlined the EC’s commitment to supporting local initiatives.
The discussion highlighted the importance of empowering LRGs, engaging citizens in climate action, adopting a territorial approach to address regional disparities, and enhancing dialogue between national and local levels.
“We need to ensure that local governments are actively involved in planning, decision-making, and implementation processes to guarantee the effectiveness of sustainability measures” concluded Marianne Overton, CEMR spokesperson for Climate.
In the second part of the meeting, CEMR experts discussed water resilience and 2040 climate targets. We also discussed CEMR’s forthcoming study on the challenges of the implementation of the green agenda to be published in autumn.
- Recording: CEMR Green Day – The Future of the Green Transition (
- Public Agenda
- Minutes: The Green Transition in the EU and beyond
Policy Officer – Energy and Environment