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What reforms for Europe’s local and regional authorities? A CEMR seminar

How are Europe's local and regional authorities organised? What are their competences and role? What reforms are under way and why? These issues will be addressed at a seminar organised by the Council of European.Municipalities and Regions (CEMR), Local Government Denmark and Danish Regions, in Copenhagen on 1 October 2008.
The seminar is open to CEMR's members; its main aim is to identify the local and regional reform processes in a number of European countries. It will also aim to assess the main trends for the future as well as whether some reforms in a country can be implemented in others.
Four sessions are on the agenda: the reform in Denmark and in Northern Europe, a France/United Kingdom comparative analysis, the situation in (semi)federal countries such as Belgium, Spain, Spain and Germany, as well as a final session to identify conclusions and any experience to be shared between different countries.
The changes in local and regional authorities will also be the theme of a parallel session at CEMR's general assembly from 22 to 24 April in Malmö (Sweden).
