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Implementing Cohesion Policy funds: Insights and Training

On 30 June, CEMR will introduce its new report on the implementation and management of European Structural and Investment Funds in the European countries. On this occasion, local and regional governments and their associations are invited to a hybrid training event on the European Cohesion Policy.

With the new funding period 2021-2027 being now underway, Cohesion Policy funds have been programmed in all Member States through Partnership Agreements, and most are already starting to be implementated.

But how does it work in practice? Who is in charge of implementing the funds? Are Member States privileging centralised or decentralised approach for funds targeting territories?  How are the different funds coordinated at central level to avoid overlap, and how do they coordinate with non-Cohesion Policy funds such as the Recovery and Resilience Facility?

All these questions, and more, will be covered during the event.


Schedule: 30 June – 9.30-16.30

Format: Hybrid event (House of Cities and Regions, 1 Square de Meeus, 1000 Brussels and via Webex)
Inperson attendants will also receive a copy of the Overview of Implementation of Cohesion Policy fund, a new study to be released on the occasion of this event.

Discover the public agenda here.

Register for this event here.