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CEMR Advocates for Enhanced Local Government Role in European Week of Regions and Cities

The Council of European Municipalities and Regions (CEMR) actively participated in the 2023 European Week of Regions and Cities, engaging in five informative sessions that addressed pivotal regional and local challenges. The event took place from October 9th to 12th, 2023.

Our Secretary General, Fabrizio Rossi, moderated a discussion on “The commitment of regions and cities to the Sustainable Development Goals”, where local administrators demonstrated the integration of SDGs into their action plans for their respective territories. Christoph Schnaudigel, Vice President of CEMR, made substantial contributions to discussions about “Public Banks and their role in ensuring Energy Security, Green Sustainability”, and also participated in the “Cohesion Alliance Event – Lessons Learnt from the RRF: Safeguarding a Place-Based Approach”. Finally, CEMR supported the “Together for Ambitious Climate and Energy Actions” session of the Covenant of Mayors, which showcased how bottom-up governance is mobilising thousands of cities committing to ambitious targets and taking local climate and energy action.

These stimulating sessions mark the beginning of critical dialogues, knowledge exchange, and collaborative efforts aimed at forging a more sustainable and cohesive Europe. CEMR stands resolute in its commitment to fostering conversation and collaboration among regional and local governments, addressing urgent issues, and collectively working towards a greener, more just future where the stances of local and regional governments are represented at the highest levels of discussion.