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Strasbourg on the road to gender equality

The mayor of Strasbourg, Roland Ries, signed the European Charter for the equality of women and men in local life, on 18 January.

The signing of the charter was held at the Strasbourg city hall on the occasion of the meeting.

of the monitoring group of the charter chaired by Jocelyne Bougeard, President of CEMR’s Committee of Women elected representatives of local and regional authorities. French members of the European Parliament participated in the event.

An action plan will be implemented within two years, said city councillor in charge of gender equality, Mine Günbay. It will be based on three axes: first, within the administration, the second largest employer in the urban community of Strasbourg with 6 000 staff ; second, awareness and information campaigns will be organised among the population. ; finally, support will be given to local associations working in the field of gender equality.

The charter has been elaborated by the Council of European Municipalities and Regions. It aims to encourage local authorities in Europe to use their powers and partnerships to promote gender equality.

Strasbourg is the 65th French local government to have signed the charter.

– Website of the French section of the Council of European Municipalities and Regions (AFCCRE)