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Join the new EU initiative to reduce our cities’ dependence on Russian energy

The Cities Energy Saving Sprint is a joint initiative of the European Commission, the Covenant of Mayors – Europe, and the European Committee of the Regions to encourage cities to take measures that will immediately reduce their energy consumption. The “Sprint” will last for 4 months.

It is crucial to increase energy savings now to prepare for next winter. Every kilowatt/hour saved now will allow us to refill the storage tanks and be better prepared for next winter. Every gram of greenhouse gas we don’t emit in the coming months will be an important step, not only for the climate, but also as an act of solidarity with Ukraine.

In parallel with all the measures for profound changes, reduction of consumption and energy transition, there is an urgent need to take emergency energy saving measures today and to plan for energy consumption reductions during the coming winter. Municipalities have a crucial role to play here.

How can my city take part in the Cities Energy Savings Sprint?