Host your own Covenant of Mayors satellite event
Get ready for the premier event promoting local climate action in Europe: EU leaders, mayors and regional presidents active on climate change and citizens will come together on 7 October 2021 for the Covenant of Mayors – Europe Ceremony.
This fully digital event will be a key moment to celebrate the achievements of the Covenant community and debate on how to commit, engage, act and network towards a fairer, climate-neutral Europe.
Covenant signatories and supporters can organise their own satellite events to accompany the Ceremony. This will give you the opportunity to promote the Covenant of Mayors’ 2050 vision of a Europe in which we all live in decarbonised and resilient cities with access to affordable, secure and sustainable energy.
You will be able to discuss your local or national community what is needed to step up action and may include a moment to sign the new Political Commitment to decarbonise their territory.
These events can be organised at local, regional or national level by signatories, coordinators, supporters and other members of the Covenant community. Your event should take place between September and December 2021 and have no admission fees.
Multiple types of event can be registered:
- An awareness-raising action around the Covenant of Mayors’ vision to promote the 2050 Political Commitment to local leaders and local communities.
- A mini-signing ceremony with local leaders and elected representatives.
- A climate and energy event open to the general public, for example: an exhibition, debate or study visit.
- A networking session around climate and energy issues tackled as part of the Covenant movement.
- And more!
Go to this page to find more information and submit your event. Events should be submitted at least two weeks before they take place.
We encourage everyone to submit their events as early as possible to increase their visibility and promotion. A report of the event must be submitted within 10 working days after taking place.
The Covenant of Mayors – Europe Office will support you with templates, communications materials and promotion in our online calendar and social media. Events submitted before 1 October will also receive visibility in the main Ceremony.
Get involved and become part of the bottom-up movement for the climate transition and a healthy planet!

Project Lead – Climate, Energy & Urban Development