IncluCities goes live
We are launching a brand new IncluCities website!
With all project-related information and everything you need to know to keep yourself up-to-date on European policy on migrant integration and inclusion, this will be the focal point of the IncluCities community.
Keeping all eight participating cities and their local government associations involved, we will offer insights into the IncluCities project’s progress, dynamics, ideas from the ground, lessons learned and action plans for cities to improve the way local communities welcome newcomers.
LOCAL is the new GLOBAL
This website will gather news on topics related to migration, integration and inclusion. The main aim is to focus on global issues by presenting existing local practices of the IncluCities’ partners and sharing ideas from other cities and municipalities across Europe. However, we won’t miss any key EU initiatives around these topics, such as the new EU Action Plan on integration and inclusion of migrants.
Check the handshake
With the interactive map of participating cities, we want to present the participants and their associations. Click on the maps handshakes to access a visual presentation of each mentoring pair cooperation, listing data and describing the strengths, needs and best practices of participating cities.
Method in a snapshot
For those interested in in-depth methodology, check out our resources page with all the mentoring documents. Take a look at the graphical step-by-step explanation of each process. From study visits to training academies and workshops, the process will lead to effective action plans that will open new approaches and structures for migrant integration.
Meet our partners
A full section is dedicated to our partners, the seven associations of local and regional governments and their participating cities. To learn more about them, follow the links or get in touch with the contact person.
Behind the scenes
There is always a human story behind every initiative. We hope to showcase many, through interviews and various videos on how integration and education work in everyday life.
Want to know how child refugees are coping in Livadia, Greece? Or to learn how the Spanish town of Fuenlabrada is fighting discrimination with an animated video dispelling unfounded rumours? Or how migrants and people with migrant backgrounds in Brussels help refugees find their way as volunteers in reception centres? If so, the news on work behind the scenes is the right place to go. Lots of other external publications, project deliverables and working documents will be placed under resources.
Stay engaged
To stay updated, click on the website’s letter icon to subscribe to our newsletter and follow us on Twitter or Facebook. There are many ways and channels where we can connect and interact.

Project Lead – Climate, Energy & Urban Development