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CEMR Announces Grant Recipients for REALISE 2024 Twinning Programme

The Council of European Municipalities and Regions (CEMR) is pleased to announce the recipients of its grant scheme established under the REALISE project. Funded by the European Commission’s CERV programme, the initiative aims to bolster subnational government Twinning endeavours. 

The grant scheme not only supports the promotion of Twinning arrangements but also empowers national associations to undertake related initiatives that address specific challenges. Proposals with merit are eligible for funding of up to €30,000. 

CEMR expresses its delight in selecting the following Local and Regional Government Associations for the REALISE 2024 grant programme: 

  • Associazione Italiana dei Comuni (AICCRE) – Italy 
  • Association des Maires de France et des Présidents d’Intercommunalité (AMF) – France 
  • Társadalompolitikai és Gazdaságfejlesztési Szövetség (TOOSZ) – Hungary 
  • Asociația Comunelor din România (ACoR) – Romania 

Twinning serves a leading role in fostering connections between Local and Regional Governments. This collaborative approach facilitates the tackling of a wide range of pressing issues, encompassing urban development, climate change, service improvement, social inclusion, and migration.  

Additionally, Twinning initiatives promote peace and solidify European values and belonging. 

Since its inception in 1951, CEMR has been an advocate for Twinning, recognising its potential to connect communities, cultivate mutual understanding, and drive collaborative efforts. Today, these programmes extend beyond cultural exchanges, encompassing the sharing of best practices and the joint development of solutions to shared challenges. 

CEMR extends its sincere gratitude to all associations that participated and submitted compelling proposals. We encourage you to stay informed of forthcoming updates on these exciting projects. 

For more information: click here