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Secretary General of CEMR Fabrizio Rossi to address the role of local and regional governments in solving global issues at “Rencontres de l’AICT” Conference

The Secretary General of the Council of European Municipalities and Regions (CEMR) will participate in the “Rencontres de l’AICT” Conference. This annual event, hosted by Cités Unies France, brings together thought leaders, policymakers, and experts from around the world to discuss the role of local and regional authorities in resolving major global issues.

The Secretary General, Fabrizio Rossi, will speak on Tuesday, September 19 in the plenary session. During his intervention, Mr Rossi will showcase how regional partnerships can contribute to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) through the prism of their international action and by presenting CEMR and Platforma’s on-field experience. 

The session will also be broadcast live via the Cités Uites France YouTube channel, with the option of asking questions.

  • Access the channel here

The Organisation will participate in the event:

  • On Tuesday, September 19, 14:30 to 15:00 – PLATFORMA workshop development education and awareness raising where the initiative “European Days of Local Solidarity” will be presented.