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Online event on 7 April – Plan, deliver on and monitor the 2030 Agenda in cities with the RFSC tool

The Reference Framework for Sustainable Cities (RFSC) is a user-friendly online self-assessment tool that helps cities to analyse, design, implement and monitor integrated sustainable urban development strategies and/or projects. Cities can review and assess their priorities in light of European and Global frameworks, and develop a set of actions and a monitoring system linked with the objectives of integrated and sustainable urban development.

Discover or learn more about the RFSC tool in an online event on 7 April from 17:15 to 18:30! This event will introduce the RFSC tool to urban stakeholders and demonstrate its added value to build back better from the COVID-19 crisis. Cities, working on the localisation of the SDGs, and with the RFSC, will share their experience of being partners of an URBACT network: GG4C (Global Goals for Cities).

For more information click here.
To register click here.