Take part in a short survey on the ripple effects of Russia’s war in Ukraine
Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has triggered seismic repercussions: skyrocketing prices, energy shortages, a fast-moving refugee crisis, rising cyber security threats…
But is your city or region ready to face the challenges brought to light by the war? Does it brace for a darker winter to save energy? Have you noticed any cyber-attack in the public sector?
These are some of the questions raised in a short survey drawn up by the Association of Finnish Local and Regional Authorities (AFLRA) to which you are invited to contribute. Your responses to this survey will help shed light on cities’ and regions’ preparedness to face current and future disruptive events. They will also provide guidelines on how to bolster information sharing and cooperation among all stakeholders. Respondents will receive a summary of the results. Individual responses will not be published. The deadline for filling out the survey is 30 November.
www.kuntaliitto.fi | www.localfinland.fi

Project Officer – International Partnerships (U-Lead)