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Take part in the ‘World for Ukraine’ on the role of local governance in the recovery of Ukraine after the war

European municipalities are invited to take part in the “Networking Session with Ukrainian Local Communities” that will take place on 7-9 December 2022 in Rzeszów, Poland, in the framework of the World for Ukraine Summit.

33 mayors from all around Ukraine, representing different small- and middle-sized local governance associations, and
different regions of Ukraine – both frontline, de-occupied and rear, will participate in the event and present their communities, share their thoughts on the role of local governance in the recovery of Ukraine after the war.  This includes mayors of Skadovsk, Lviv, Pokrovska, Dunayevetska, Ivankivska, among others.

This is an excellent occasion for mayors from European municipalities to meet their colleagues and launch a new cooperation.

Who is invited to participate

  • Mayor’s and local governance leaders from the EU, who express a wish to find partners in Ukraine;
  • Representatives of international organizations and projects working with local governance in Ukraine and who promote municipal partnerships as an instrument of Ukraine’s recovery.

Practical information

For more information about the programme, please see this document.

If you are interested, please contact for more details on which costs for participation can be covered by the United for Ukraine initiative.