UCLG Congress adopts the ‘Pact for the Future’
Mayors, local and regional leaders from across Europe have adopted the ‘Pact for the Future‘, a key strategic document defining UCLG’s priorities from 2022 to 2028.
The visions and aspirations reflected in the Pact will be shaped into actionable commitments throughout 2023 and serve as the strategic vision for the World Organisation in the coming years. Motions presented by all members will further deepen the policy visions and serve as a reference to the inputs of the whole local and regional government constituency represented by the Global Taskforce.
Three political leaders have been appointed as Ambassadors for the Pact for the Future: Ada Colau, Mayor of Barcelona as Ambassador for the Future of People; Anne Hidalgo, Mayor of Paris as Ambassador for the Future of the Planet; Yücel Yilmaz, Mayor of Balikesir as Ambassador for the Future of Government.

Attaché to the Secretary General