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How cities can meet their environmental commitments

The signatories of the Green City Accord go the extra mile to ensure their citizens enjoy a cleaner and healthier future by planning effective initiatives in five target areas: air, water, nature and biodiversity, waste and circular economy, and noise.

Over 60 cities have signed the Green City Accord so far and many are in the midst of creating innovative blueprints that will help them meet their commitments.

The Green City Accord consortium is excited to organise a workshop on 29 September at 10:00-12:30 CEST entitled ‘The Green City Accord: How to implement your commitment’. This interactive event will introduce the specific steps needed to plan and meet the Green City Accord requirements, in addition to providing cities with an opportunity to express their support needs in this process.

The workshop will be held in English. Signatory cities, soon-to-be signatories and supporter organisations can register here.