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Cities4Cities: a platform for European local governments to help their Ukrainian peers

With the Cities4Cities platform, Europe’s local and regional governments can already provide assistance to Ukrainian communities and their inhabitants.

This online tool, created with the support of the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities of the Council of Europe, is a coordination platform: Ukrainian local and regional governments can voice their requests and needs, while their European peers can respond with their expertise and resources.

Mayors and other local and regional leaders are the first point of contact for residents, especially in time of war and crisis. This makes it all the more important that Ukraine’s local infrastructures are maintained in place and are able to address residents’ daily challenges.

The platform aim to simplify exchanges, address the needs of Ukrainian communities and build bridges, both in the immediate and in the long term, between European and Ukrainian municipalities.

Ukrainian local and regional governments have already started to provide information on their needs on the Cities4Cities platform. Register your local government and find out how you can contribute with your material aid and know-how.

The platform is supported by the Council of European Municipalities and Regions (CEMR), its Ukrainian association (AUC) and its German association (Deutscher Städtetag).