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It’s finished! The Global Goals for Cities pilot network is complete!

Across Europe, the 19 cities in the network visited each other, learned from each other and developed their integrated action plans together, to better implement the Sustainable Development Goals in their strategic urban planning.

To ensure the achievement of the 2030 Agenda and the 17 goals it sets, cities are key players. With more sustainable cities, we can ensure a better planet. This is why URBACT and CEMR supported the creation of the Global Goals for Cities pilot network, aiming to accelerate progress towards achieving the Sustainable Development Goals. In this network, 19 cities were selected and showed their commitment to localizing the SDGs.

Our 19 cities also organised or participated in national and international events to present and share their experience and results.

To better understand how cities contribute to the SDGs, cities used the Sustainable Cities Reference Framework among other URBACT tools, allowing them to analyse gaps and priorities in their local strategies, identify the best actions to progress on the selected objectives and thus help build their integrated action plans and integrate the SDGs into their long-term urban strategies.

Finally, the network has developed a learning toolkit on the Global Goals for Cities*, available online, so that cities can better locate and implement the SDGs in their local strategies.

Discover the network and its achievements in this video!